Monday, November 30, 2009



by Robin Morgan
for Isel Rivero

Gunmen attacked a school in northwestern Rwanda last Monday, killing seventeen girls.... The Attack took place after the Hutu gunmen ordered the girls to separate into groups of ethnic Hutu or Tutsi, and the students refused to comply.

--From The New York Times, April 30, 1997

Insane, sadistic gods to whom I offer
only my denial and disgust,
how do we bear witness to each other
when such defiance gleams beyond our trust?

They stupify us, these small, nameless girls
in whose name Love linked arms with her best friend.
Courage skulks shamed before these little skulls
rotting on the grassy school playground.

Let me be worthy of such children, slain
where they stand, who in the face of dying, cling.
Let me be equal to my small, sufficient pain
and in the broken teeth of horror,

Posted by: Robbie Pierce

Friday, November 27, 2009

Stephen Crane

Once, I knew a fine song,
-- It is true, believe me --
It was all of birds,
And I held them in a basket;
When I opened the wicket,
Heavens! They all flew away.
I cried, "Come back, little thoughts!"
But they only laughed.
They flew on
Until they were as sand
Thrown between me and the sky.

posted by: Chad Wagstaff

This famous American author is most famous for his novel 
"The Red Badge of Courage." My best friend once sent this poem 
saying it reminded him of me..... 
For more information and a links to all of Stephen Crane's texts  available online!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

In Memory

In my dreams
drifting gently down stream
on golden waters...
No voices, no eyes, no ears, no luxury
Ohhh, I know, this is home...
On through age-old willows older
than dream itself I drifted,
with rays of sun seeping into my skin,
drifting far til the sharpest eye
could no longer see...
No building, no smoke, no rain, no lies
Now I know I am home...
Warm, numb, and free
I've never felt so alive
as now, as my body left me,
drifting for what seemed an eternity
lying there, on silent water
I spoke to the sea
and the sea spoke to me
we agreed
I am home

Joshua Farrer

posted by: Kevin Radebaugh